The region of South East Asia has an amazing diversity of geography, cultures and languages. It has over 20,000 islands.
It consists of the countries that are geographically south of China, east of India, west of New Guinea and north of Australia. The region lies on the intersection of geological plates, with heavy seismic and volcanic activity.
Southeast Asia consists of two geographic regions: Mainland Southeast Asia, also known as Indochina, comprises Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam and Peninsular Malaysia, and Maritime Southeast Asia comprises Brunei, East Malaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Christmas Island, and Singapore.
The major religions are Islam and Buddhism, followed by Christianity. However, a wide variety of religions are found throughout the region, including many Hindu and animist-influenced practices.
Total Population: 585,743,000
Living languages: 1,254
Languages without translated Scriptures: 616 (needed Bible Translations in Asia, 2012)
(Sources: Wycliffe Global Alliance, Joshua Project, Ethnologue and Wikipedia)